The thematic of this exhibition finds a place within the imaginary of cartoons, the subject that is represented, on one hand, as nostalgic and effective imaginary associated with the infantile, and hence, discursively perceived as neutral or without ideological content. On the other hand, opposite to the previous one, the cartoon explicitly represented as a war propaganda. In which case, its ideological component is equally destined to be masked under the status of the trivial or naive, which it is often attributed to this representational category. This series of paintings refer to the “painted tunnel gag”, this is to say, animated characters involved in the action of painting an image with the intention of creating an optical illusion of prolongation of the space in a “realistic” or plausible manner within its own universe.
Exhibition view, “Any Tunnel Is Just A Picture”, Marcela Serra.Exhibition view, “Any Tunnel Is Just A Picture”, Marcela Serra.Exhibition view, “Any Tunnel Is Just A Picture”, Marcela Serra.Marcela Serra, Untitled, Oil on canvas, 2018, variable dimensions.Marcela Serra, Untitled, oil on canvas, 2018, variable dimensions.Exhibition view, “Any Tunnel Is Just A Picture”, Marcela Serra.Exhibition view, “Any Tunnel Is Just A Picture”, Marcela Serra.Marcela Serra, Untitled, oil on canvas, 2018, variable dimensions.Marcela Serra, The painted tunnel gag II, 2018, oil on books, 34,5 X 73 cm.Marcela Serra, The painted tunnel gag II, 2018, oil on books, 34,5 X 73 cm.Marcela Serra, Ways of war, 2018, oil on wood, 108 x 220 cm.Marcela Serra, Ways of war, 2018, oil on wood, 108 x 220 cm.Marcela Serra, Coyote, 2018, oil on canvas, 50 x 130 cm and 50 x 70 cm.Marcela Serra, Mickey Mouse at war, 2018, oil on canvas, 30 x 190 cm.Marcela Serra, Mickey Mouse at war, 2018, oil on canvas, 30 x 190 cm.