The Smaller The Larger, curated by Kate Hiley, exhibition view, June 2016The Smaller The Larger, curated by Kate Hiley, exhibition view, June 2016From left to right: Lucia Vera, Venus, 2016, oil on canvas, 22,5 x 28 cm Michael Lawton, Evening Class, 2015, oil and acrylic on canvas, 30 x 25 cm Adam Kelly, Two Rabbis, 2015, oil on linen, 23 x 30 cmFrom left to right: Manolis Charos,Untitled, 2015, ink, painting, watercolor on paper, variable dimensions Paul Lipp, No quarter, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 60 x 50 cmFrom left to right: Manolis Charos, Untitled, 2015, ink, painting, watercolor on paper, variable dimensions Paul Lipp, No quarter, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 60 x 50 cm Simon DK, Untitled, 2016, mixed media on paper, 29 x 22 cmThe Smaller The Larger, curated by Kate Hiley, exhibition view, June 2016The Smaller The Larger, curated by Kate Hiley, exhibition view, June 2016From left to right: Paul Lipp, No quarter, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 60 x 50 cm Simon DK, Untitled, 2016, mixed media on paper, 29 x 22 cm Phoebe Mitchell, Sundown, 2015, oil on paper, 32 x 24 cm (framed)The Smaller The Larger, curated by Kate Hiley, exhibition view, June 2016Phoebe Mitchell, Sundown, 2015, oil on paper, 32 x 24 cm (framed) Phoebe Mitchell, Burn, 2015, oil on paper, 32 x 24 cm (framed)The Smaller The Larger, curated by Kate Hiley, exhibition view, June 2016From left to right: Phoebe Mitchell, Burn, 2015, oil on paper, 32 x 24 cm (framed) Chantal Maquet, Mademoiselle VI, 2012, oil on canvas, 20 x 20 cm Abi Box, Felt Forest, 2015 / Palms, 2015 / oil on wood panel, 15 x 15 cmFrom left to right: Abi Box, Felt Forest, 2015 / Palms, 2015 / oil on wood panel, 15 x 15 cm Kate Hiley, Temples, 2015, oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm Catherine Gangloff, Fibule 5, 2015, wood, painting, 17 x 28 cmFrom left to right: Jon Pilkington, Wrong horse, 2016 / A Bowlers bowl, 2016 / oil and wax pencil on canvas, 44 x 43 cm Jessica Wilson, Untitled, 2016, oil on copper, 10 x 10 cm eachFrom left to right: Joshua Armitage,Spider Plant, 2015, oil on canvas, 30,5 x 25,4 cm Ralph Hunter-Menzies, Soft Soil, 2016, ink and acrylic on canvas, 30 x 41 cmThe Smaller The Larger, curated by Kate Hiley, exhibition view, June 2016The Smaller The Larger, curated by Kate Hiley, exhibition view, June 2016The Smaller The Larger, curated by Kate Hiley, exhibition view, June 2016The Smaller The Larger, curated by Kate Hiley, exhibition view, June 2016The Smaller The Larger, curated by Kate Hiley, exhibition view, June 2016Anna Jung Seo, 96th and 93rd, 2014, oil on scrim, 38 x 50 cmFrom left to right: Véronique Bensaïd, L’Homme existentiel, ditpyque, 2016, watercolor and ink on paper, each element 21 x 20 cm Edmundo Arigita,Palmam Mist, 2016, acrylic on wood panel, 40 x 40 cmFrom left to right: Rufus Newell,FaceTime, 2015, watercolor, pencil and acrylic on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm Michel Déjean, Partitas VI, 2016 / Violette, 2016, mixed media, aluminium, 25 x 25 cmAnna Jung Seo, Faces, 2015, oil on wood, 4,5 x 5 x 4,5 cm eachFrom left to right: Katies Brookes, On the sofa, oil on board, 27 x 25 cm Simon DK, Untitled, 2016, mixed media on fabric, 41 x 32 cm