Thomas Lesigne realizes an intimate work of watercolor on paper. On small surfaces, the artist makes infinite color spots dance. Luminous, they vibrate in front of our eyes and the surface that welcomes them seems moving. Like elements such as water and air, of which it is difficult to record a precise image and to fully grasp their movement, Thomas Lesigne’s creations do not seem to seek to stop time.
The memories he restores take a very different dimension, in which time seems to escape reality. On the paper fiber, the colors are free and diffused. Sometimes revealing, sometimes concealing a form, colors allow the artist’s narrative to keep going. As an important colorist, the artist gives a certain touch of magic to its watercolors, that suggest without telling to much, reveal and hide at the same time.
This very dialogue makes his work so captivating and giant. We would love to take them in our hands and fully grasp the show that is offered to us.
Thomas Lesigne exalts this process by choosing to fragment his story and unveil it on several pieces of paper. By integrating a sense of a slower temporality in his narrations, the composition manages to embrace a larger landscape. This process of mosaic on paper is is reminiscent of the work of the cubists or that of David Hockney, for whom it makes it possible to stand facing “the infinity of nature”.
Thus, on isolated sections, we admire how Thomas Lesigne in turn manages to capture light or the movements of nature. And little by little, we enter, slowly, in this atmosphere where silence and grace show through. Memories mingle with dreams and his watercolor process becomes the receiver of all his experienced feelings.
Get closer, you will see how colors move freely in certain spots, and open to other spaces : an unspeakable space that goes beyond the pictorial surface. The magic happens.
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